Shipping Policy
1Tier Home United States Shipping Policy.
International Reach: We currently sell products in United States. Now we do not offer worldwide shipping.
Order Cut Off Time: 6PM EST
Shipping Rate and Transit time:
For United States Orders:
Shipping Name | Transit Time | Shipping Fee |
Standard Shipping | 6 to 7 business days | Free |
If a customer is unable to accept a delivery after the order has shipped, they will be responsible for carrier storage fees or return shipping costs, along with a restocking fee of up to 25%. Once an order is in transit, the delivery address cannot be changed without incurring a reconsignment fee.
We can ship to most addresses in the continental U.S. (the lower 48 states). After placing an order, we will provide an estimated shipping and delivery date based on the availability of the items.
UPS/FedEx Shipments:
Smaller items may ship via UPS or FedEx Ground, with tracking provided for standard ground shipping.
Freight Shipments:
Most orders ship via freight, meaning large items are delivered on pallets. We will send tracking details, including the carrier name and contact information, when applicable. For residential deliveries, most freight carriers will call to arrange a delivery appointment.
Receiving Freight Shipments:
Once a delivery appointment is scheduled, the customer must be present to inspect and sign off on the shipment. All freight deliveries are made curbside, with the driver using a lift gate to lower the pallet to the ground. Drivers are not authorized to move the items beyond the curb.
If a customer cannot accept the delivery after shipping, they are responsible for any storage fees, return shipping costs, and a restocking fee of up to 25%.
Shipping Damage:
While rare, freight damage can occur. Please inspect the delivery upon arrival. If there is damage, contact us immediately at (833) 693-8537 before the driver leaves, as we may need to refuse the shipment. Any damage should be noted on the driver’s Bill of Lading (BOL). If the shipment is beyond repair, refuse the entire delivery, and a replacement will be arranged. Ensure no items are missing as well.
Important Notes:
Please inspect and report any concealed damage or missing items within 24 hours for prompt resolution. Concealed damage must be reported within 48 hours. After this period, the customer will be responsible, and we will be unable to file a freight claim.
Although freight damage is uncommon, following the correct procedures makes replacements easy. We value your business and want to ensure you receive the best possible service.
Phone: (833) 693-8537
Support: Get in touch from Monday to Friday: 9:00 AM – 6:00 PM